Iterations On Ancient Games

Hnefatafl Iterations

Iteration 1

Allowing players to move diagonally was a very bad idea in hindsight,
The king is able to escape far easier and the margin for error is tiny.

Iteration 2

Allowing captures to take place by simply having 2 enemy pieces touching on horizontal and vertical sides certainly helped the attacking player.
Not a bad idea and helps even the odds a small amount.

Iteration 3

Now when you capture and enemy opponent it changes sides and reinforces its captors numbers.
This seems to help the attacking player again due to their more offensive role.

Iteration 4

Allowing 2 moves per turn basically allows the game to end incredibly quickly, another bad idea.

Iteration 5

Trying to convert the game into a 5 player one was an admirable but challenging idea it really requires the 4 attacking players to work together which means the defending player can easily hear their plans..

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